
Karma Ratna Rinpoche is the son, disciple, and successor of Ontul Rinpoche, the holder of a rare spiritual lineage of the Guru Rinpoche Teachings. He was recognized as a great reincarnated master (Tulku) by His Holiness the Dalai Lama 14th and His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche.

At Rinpoche's birth, there were many auspicious signs confirming his high realization. As a child, Rinpoche attended an English high school in Sikkim (India) and studied Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan grammar at Drikung Jangchub Ling Monastery in Dehradun. Later, Rinpoche moved to the Dzongsar Institute in Bir, where he deepened his understanding of Buddhist philosophy under renowned Masters.

Rinpoche received practice empowerments from the Dalai Lama and other realized Teachers of the Lineage. Ontul Rinpoche also transmitted to him many Empowerments and ritual practices, including the Yangzab practices and the Drikung Kagyu Protectors.


In 2007, Ratna Rinpoche undertook a three-month retreat in the sacred snow mountains of Lapchi, where in the past Milarepa had realized the true nature of mind.

Currently, Rinpoche resides with his family at Tso Pema Monastery in India, and periodically visits his residence at Lungkar Ogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery in Tibet.


Rinpoche continues the Dharma Teachings transmission in Western countries, which his father, Ontul Rinpoche, initiated. He has many disciples worldwide, including in North America and Europe. Ratna Rinpoche, together with Ontul Rinpoche, has visited Latvia several times at the Peace Pagoda, giving Empowerments and invaluable Teachings from ancient texts.

During his visit to Latvia, October 22-24, 2024, Ratna Rinpoche will give a cycle of teachings on the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol).

The Bardo Thodol teachings provide a detailed description of the stages that, according to Tibetan tradition, the human consciousness passes through, starting from the process of physical death to the moment of the next reincarnation into a new body.

Bardo Thodol literally means "Great Liberation through Hearing."

The three-day retreat will take place at the Latvian Peace Pagoda, where Rinpoche will give Empowerments and distribute protective amulets to attendees.
Auspicious day for Empowerment will be chosen by Rinpoche, follow the updates.

It is auspicious to attend the retreat in person, but if this is not possible, one can join online.

Pre-registration is required - 20099307 (lv, ru, eng), 29463161 (lv, ru), 28228723 (ru, eng). 

Audiences are also available; for scheduling, contact 29635097.